Thursday, November 6, 2008

What "true love" means to me

Adriano and I went to see "Nights in Rodanthe" last night in the theaters. It was a good movie, definitely a tearjerker. One line from the movie has stuck with me because I think it simply gets to the core of what "true love" means in my mind.
There's a kind of love that makes you feel like anything is possible.
I truly believe that this is the kind of love that Adriano and I have. I feel like I am a better person with him than I could be without him. I think everyone deserves a partner in life that builds them up when they are down, pushes them to take chances when they'd prefer to be risk adverse, and has the loudest cheer in the crowd when it comes time to celebrate accomplishments and new growths.

And for those of you who were wondering..."Nights in Rodanthe" wouldn't generally be Adriano's first choice for a movie, especially in the theaters. He was looking to score a "Connection Point," which he did. : ) © 2008 - Brianna Sylver - All rights reserved

© 2008 - Brianna Sylver - All rights reserved


  1. If I understand "connection points" correctly, I believe that what Adriano did by going to "Nights in Rodanthe" is off the scale. I think you need to prototype "Hazard Pay Benefits"!!
