There are multiple themes of note intertwined through the story line, one of which is marriage. George Clooney's character is a forever bachelor, favoring his "road warrior" lifestyle to the idea of "settling down." When he's challenged with defining why he's against marriage he references all the reasons people often give for being marriage. Not wanting to go through life alone, not wanting to die alone, wanting to have more security...these being only a few.
Even as his character starts to come around on realizing why someone might want a "co-pilot" (as he puts it) through life, never is the real reason to marry someone, in my opinion, mentioned.
I think you should only marry someone when you can honestly say that being with that person makes you a better you than you can be by yourself. That's how I feel about Adriano. I do love that I have a "co-pilot," someone that I can count on to be there and share these things with. But, I only appreciate him as the lovely "co-pilot" that he is because I cherish how much he helps and encourages all the good in me to come out on a daily basis.
I think the reason for marriage is that, well, there really isn't any. Not that marriage is a dead-end void in life, but as a Chinese proverb says, "The most important thing that you need to know, needs not be said." Marriage is such a beautiful, effervescent thing that is unexplainable and beyond words, and that is the best thing that one could ever experience.
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