She found us last week. I was traveling and Adriano heard some crying in the woods by our house. After three days of hearing the crying, he climbed over the fence to investigate and there was this little beauty. She was pinned under some wood and tangled up in some wire...the poor thing. We're pretty certain she was a wild dog, as there were about four others like her and a larger dog that scattered once Adriano got over the wall. Well, he rescued her and then took her in to mend her foot. She's doing fine now. Her foot is all better. And in the meantime, Adriano and I have fallen in love. So, we're adopting her! She's "our girl!" According to the vet, she's about 2 months old.
And, interestingly, I think she's giving me a preview into the over protective, mother hen parenting style that Adriano will expend with vengeance one day when we have a child. He's such a worry wart...afraid she'll fall, that's she's not getting enough food, etc. I never imagined that he would be this way.
Adriano says that he wants a boy for a child, while I feel like we'll have a girl. After seeing the way he acts with Tao, maybe we better have a boy? I fear a girl would never be allowed to leave the house. Something might happen...